Saturday 19 January 2013

Step 5 of 8 professional level design

Step 5-Story

Story of environment

The Ancient city Bodhi is a once thriving city, large monuments and statues scattered around the isolated island now left untouched by the outside world. The city can only be seen by chosen ones, people who are on the path to enlightenment who have avoided a life of evil and have always had faith in something better. This island is there to challenge those people before they can reach enlightenment.

Story of the player

The player arrives to the island on a small boat with a single light on the front guiding the way into the fog. The player works their way into a small canal which leads into a boat bay; they are met with many other small boats left behind at the entrance, their lights long extinguished. They are first met with a small beam of natural light from a hole in the ceiling funnelling down to a small basin containing a glowing liquid; this liquid allows the player to start their journey to enlightenment preparing their body and spirit. They are then faced with challenges and obstacles before they reach a large monument where they must face a final challenge before they reach enlightenment

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