Wednesday 10 October 2012

Design ideas!

After researching into different religions and the afterlife i have brainstormed a few basic game ideas from these themes.

1.Player can go back and forth from reality to the afterlife; the player can use the afterlife to overcome a puzzle as they can access new powers in the afterlife and the environment changes around them in real-time. Once in the afterlife spirit version leaves the player enabling them to see and overcome puzzles they couldn’t in reality.  

2.Player stuck in limbo, can do good to earn your way back to life. Player walking away from the light to return to normality and away from the afterlife. 

3. The player can see and speak to the spirits in the afterlife to discover new areas and find secret solutions to puzzles. The player can only have a certain amount of attempts to shift into the afterlife before they have to find more pick ups so they can go back into the afterlife and find more solutions to puzzles and overcome obstacles. Main character could be a prophet or a shaman of some sort who has the ability to see into the afterlife from his world.

4. RTS type of game where the player can control races on different planets, and do things to get followers or worshippers, give certain armies powers etc. or rewards for sacrifices.

I need to wait until the group crit before i more forward with any of these ideas, at the moment they are very basic and just an initial starting point but hopefully with feedback and ideas i can solidify and idea and begin the creation on the concept document for the game. Next update should be about my chosen game idea and the progress i have so far.

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