Step 2 Purpose and features

The purpose of this
project is to try and understand faith and apply this to game play elements
within the level design. Although I am an artist I really appreciate good level
design while playing games, and it really interests me with the ideas behind them, it’s what makes a game fun to play and what makes
the player want to put more hours into the game. Games even with a brilliant new
mechanic would fail if the level designs were bad, the player just
wouldn’t enjoy what they can do. I really enjoy coming across problems and
figuring them out, that’s why UDK is such a great tool which has a visual
scripting tool which enables artists or level designers to add playable function to levels without a programmer, and i
will also use this project to increase my knowledge with UDK.
I want my
level to focus mainly around puzzles, making the player think about their
actions and choices. I also want to focus on creating an environment that flows
well without the player feeling bored and feels like their doing something repetitive.
I will also focus on how the level will be organised such as focal points,
using lighting and architecture to help the player along the level so I will research
into how this is done in games. Thinking about the tempo and pacing of the
level I would imagine it quite slow because puzzle games usually are because
the player has to stop and think about a situation, although there could be
areas where pacing if increased near the end of the level to increase tension.
1.Kayinworks (n/a) Game development. Retrieved from 2.Andrew Yoder (2012) CTF-Bird. Retrieved from
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